This document presents the summary conclusions of a two-year research project on the practice and interpretation of armed non-State actors (ANSAs) with respect to ten key international humanitarian norms.1 ANSAs are key players in most armed conflicts and directly impact civilian populations. Yet
This handbook is designed to enhance individual and organisational negotiation skills. The content will support individual humanitarian workers to become better negotiators and humanitarian agencies to become more strategic and effective in the way they negotiate in any given situation.
This study seeks to determine ‘what works’ when trying to enable access and deliver quality humanitarian assistance to people caught up in war zones, based on fieldwork in Afghanistan, South Central Somalia, South Sudan and Syria.
This MSF report, published ahead of the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit, analyses the performance of the humanitarian system in responding to displacement emergencies in South Sudan, DRC, and Jordan.
Launched in December 2019, the Surveillance System for Attacks on Health Care (SSA) is a global and standardized monitoring system for the collection of primary data about attacks on health care.
As of 2022, the Humanitarian Access Working Group in Mali is undergoing a revitalisation with the appointment of new co-chairs and renewed commitment from its membership.
Consultative processes on the HCT access strategy, the establishment of subnational HAWGs lo
The worsening phenomenon of financial sector bank derisking continues to impact humanitarian aid delivery as countries are cut off from financial services.
Non-state armed groups (NSAG) and de-facto authorities (DFA) play an active role in many humanitarian crises around the world and often have the power to facilitate or constrain humanitarian access by inflicting violence or imposing restrictions on people in need and humanitarian actors.