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Tools: How to apply in your day-to-day work

Practical guidance and templates to support you in headquarters and field locations as you mitigate the impact of counterterrorism measures and sanctions on principled humanitarian action and enable humanitarian access.

These Tools are designed to help you understand and mitigate the challenges to principled humanitarian action. They provide practical resources that can be used in your day-to-day work. 

  • Amman


    Toolkit for principled humanitarian action

    This toolkit is designed to help you identify counterterrorism-related risks so that your organisation can manage and mitigate these. It aims to make risk management approaches accessible to a broad...

    Toolkit for principled humanitarian action
  • Sudan


    Humanitarian Access Working Group Toolkit

    Humanitarian access working groups (HAWGs) have become a common feature of humanitarian responses across the globe over the past decade and there are now over 25 in operation across a range of...

    Humanitarian Access Working Group Toolkit